Saturday, April 15, 2006

KANTEN Diet - Try BMI < 25

BMI (Body Mass Index)

Body Mass Index is reliable today to measure obesity.
There are a lot of measurement device for body fat.
But body fat index varies depending on time and condition. And it is a little bit difficult to measure correct body fat index.

BMI is easy to calculate.
BMI = Weight (kg) divided by the square of Height (m)

My BMI a year ago was;
90kg / 1.8 * 1.8 = 27.8

80kg / 1.8 * 1.8 = 24.7

The most reliable standard weight is considered as below;
Standard weight = Square of Height multiplied by 22
For me it is;
1.8 * 1.8 * 22 = 71.28kg

My weight 80kg is far beyond the standard. But it is OK as far as BMI is below 25.

Standard weight was calculated according to the probability of getting desease.
When BMI is 22 the probability is the lowest.
This is based on the survey of epidemiology.

If your BMI is beyond 25;
The probability of lifestyle-related illnesses is doubled.
It means you will get heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and so on.

In order to live long and healthfully, let’s try BMI25 or below!

Thank you.

Kenzo “Joker” Jokamachi

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